Saturday, July 14, 2007

Mysterious Korean Spa and Sauna [JimJil Bang]

Last week, we went to the Korean Spa and Sauna [JimJil Bang] with foreigners from the Chosun University volunteered by Chosun University students and sponsered by Buddist organisation(unknown). Lots of gals and guyes from different country specially Nepal, India, China, Vietnam, America etc. were participated with us. Program was in holidays. So it was kind of unique experiences for me in my life but Samudra went several times in his long time stay in S.Korea.

The Korean sauna may seem a bit daunting if not outright surreal for the uninitiated foreigner. All around you are people wearing funny outfits that make them look like they are members of a strange cult. Then they go inside these infernally hot rooms that look like dungeons and sit on potato sacks.

In Sauna, first you need to get over the fact that you WILL be butt naked around everyone. I'm pretty shy about that but got over it quickly, remembering the bathroom in my house. No one seriously cares. It was a great place to relax and get away from everything on a sme place. For a small fee I could go spend as long as I wanted in the steam and dry sauna's ,lots of various temperatures. Go to the tiny fitness room, watch tv, eat some fruit juice they had. They had salon services too facials etc in one room another for hair services. During the time some of Koreans took our photos which is in here.

(I have joined in there! This is a jimjilbang, the Spa and sauna. Cool uniforms huh?)


Anonymous said...

I hope you are enjoying in there. Share otherthings which you are facing in daily life. From KTM

Anonymous said...

Good writing skills,enjoyed by reading than in Chim Jil Bang.

Anonymous said...

Great work.